Call Us for Help with Los Angeles Brush Clearance

When you have purchased a piece of wasteland, perhaps with the intention of building a new home, then one of the first things that you must do is to clear the ground. This often means taking the time to remove brush and scrub plants before land-moving machines can come into your property. If you need help for brush clearance in Los Angeles, then you need to talk to Your Way Tree Service. We can help you with several different options concerning ground clearance and brush removal on your property, so let us assist you with getting rid of overgrown bushes and low-ground scrubs.

Why Use A Brush Clearance Service?

There are several reasons why it can benefit you to get rid of brush and make sure that you are able to clear your land of unwanted bushes, small trees and scrub vegetation. One of the most important is that these problem plants can quickly overcome any spare space in your yard, or on ground that you own, making it harder to do things like construction, repairs, or simply keeping open spaces clear of weeds. Getting rid of brush helps to keep the land safe, prevent roots from damaging underground cables and pipes, and will also ensure that you are able to easily access the ground in an emergency or for the purposes of easement. You may also enjoy a cleaner, neater landscape which will give you the possibility to plant more flowers and easily remove new weeds as they spring up.

Brush Clearance In Los Angeles

Clearing Brush In LA

If you are an LA resident, then you may also be subject to laws which require you to clear away brush from your land to keep it safe from impending fires. As bushfires are a big problem in LA, the fire service expects residents to clear away brush and other shrubs in order to minimize the threat of wildfires. The shrubbery needs to be cut down to a manageable size, large pieces removed and then the remainder of the brush cleared. By removing all this dry scrub, you will not only be protecting your own property, but will also be helping to limit the spread of wildfires, a real problem for LA and California during the summer months. We are here to help you cut back on the risk of fire on your property.

Find Out How We Can Help You

Do you need help finding someone for brush clearance in Los Angeles assistance? If you have been looking for someone to help for a while, then you might want to consider Your Way Tree Service. We are here to help homeowners in the LA area with low-lying brush and scrub, along with other dry plants that need to be removed before the hot summer arrives. To talk to us about your needs, and to arrange a visit from our teams, contact us today using our online form, or call our team at (818) 888-9248 now. 

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